

Family Notation:

Jodi Rave a prior nationally renowned journalist, is a close friend of Mike Gopher the sole heir attempting to disinherit his siblings. She is close friends with Leona Gopher and Glenda Eagleman, who are also attempting to disinherit the Robert Gopher family.


Family Notation:

Most of the people challenging the Gopher heirs ownership are people that had prior to never expressed an interest in the flag, until the work of the Gopher family was done, now want to reap the benefit without doing the work.  Unclean hands doctrine.


Family Notation:

The Saginaw trip was arranged years in advance, and the family had expected the probate to settle.  The family are attempting to gain the support of the Saginaw Chippewa tribe; who expressed an interest in supporting the LTBO's effort to preserve the flag.  This is yet one more instance where interference with the preservation effort is from external forces and is proving detrimental to the flag's existence.

Family Notation:

Images such as this, taken of Mike Gopher in 2005 posing with the flag;  illustrate the extent Mike Gopher had gone to violate the letter written by Robert Gopher in 1997 removing him from all future projects related to treaty flag research.

Mike had been openly challenging his late father, leading to his removal from all flag projects on January 24, 1997.  Dorothy Gopher never formally reinstated him, nor was that ever done with the participation with Loud Thunder's Board of Directors, as Robert Gopher had advised the board to take control of flag research in his 1997 memorandum.  This picture is therefore, not an authorized depiction of the family's flag.  Mike Gopher has continued to and is pursuing a book deal on the flag--to the exclusion of family members, in spite of this removal by his late father, Robert Gopher.

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